automotive-message-broker  0.13
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protocol.idl File Reference

this document describes the websocket protocol More...

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interface  ValueChanged
 ValueChanged is a message which is generated when a subscribed Property changes. Subscribe will cause this message to be generated. Unsubscribe stops this message. More...
interface  GetPropertyRequest
 GetPropertyRequest - request the value of a property The following is an example of this message: More...
interface  GetPropertyReply
 GetPropertyReply - response to GetPropertyRequest The following is an example of this message: More...
interface  GetSupportedRequest
 GetSupportedRequest - request supported properties The following is an example of this message: More...
interface  GetSupportedReply
 GetSupportedReply- reply for supported properties The following is an example of this message: More...
interface  SupportedChanged
 SupportedChanged - message occures when the system's supported properties changes NOTE: this message is not being generated in 0.13 The following is an example of this message: More...
interface  Subscribe
 Subscribe - subscribe request The following is an example of this message: More...
interface  Unsubscribe
 Unsubscribe - unsubscribe request The following is an example of this message: More...
interface  GetRangedRequest
 GetRangedRequest - request a range of logged properties The following is an example of this message: More...
interface  GetRangedReply
 GetRangedReply - reply for GetRangedRequest The following is an example of this message: More...
interface  SetPropertyRequest
 SetPropertyRequest - request to set a property The following is an example of this message: More...


enum  MessageType { method, methodReply, valuechanged }
enum  PropertyType {
  UInt16, UInt32, Int16, Int32,
  String, Double, Boolean
enum  Error {
  NoError, Timeout, InvalidOperation, PermissionDenied,


enum MessageType transactionid
 transactionid, id for this transaction. For messages with responses, the transaction id is used to match the request with the response.
enum PropertyType property
 Property represents an AMB property. More...
attribute DOMString value
 value, value of the property
attribute unsigned short zone
 zone, zone which this property is in
attribute PropertyType type = "methodReply"
 type - type of value More...
attribute unsigned double timestamp
attribute unsigned long sequence
const DOMString name = "set"
 name of this methodReply.
attribute Property data
 data represents the new property value
attribute boolean success
 success - true if the set operation was successful
attribute Error error
 error - error code

Detailed Description

this document describes the websocket protocol

Variable Documentation

enum PropertyType property

Property represents an AMB property.

property - AMB Property name

enum Error type = "methodReply"

type - type of value

SetPropertyReply - reply for SetPropertyRequest The following is an example of this message:

1 { "type" : "methodReply", "name" : "set", "data" : { "property" : "MachineGunTurretStatus", "value" : "true", "zone" : 0}, "success" : true, "error" : "NoError", "transactionid" : "4123123123" }

message type