CAcceleration | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Acceleration |
CAcceleratorPedalPosition | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.AcceleratorPedalPosition |
CAirbagStatus | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.AirbagStatus |
CAlarm | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Alarm |
CAntilockBrakingSystem | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.AntilockBrakingSystem |
CAtmosphericPressure | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.AtmosphericPressure |
CBattery | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Battery |
CBatteryStatus | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.BatteryStatus |
CBrakeMaintenance | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.BrakeMaintenance |
CBrakeOperation | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.BrakeOperation |
CButtonEvent | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.ButtonEvent |
CChildSafetyLock | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.ChildSafetyLock |
CChime | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Chime |
CClimateControl | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.ClimateControl |
CConvertibleRoof | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.ConvertibleRoof |
CCruiseControlStatus | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.CruiseControlStatus |
CDefrost | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Defrost |
CDiagnostics | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Diagnostics |
CDoor | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Door |
CDoors | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Doors |
CDoorStatus | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.DoorStatus |
CDriveMode | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.DriveMode |
CDrivingMode | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.DrivingMode |
CElectronicStabilityControl | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.ElectronicStabilityControl |
CEngineCoolant | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.EngineCoolant |
CEngineOil | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.EngineOil |
CEngineSpeed | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.EngineSpeed |
CExteriorBrightness | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.ExteriorBrightness |
CFluid | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Fluid |
CFuel | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Fuel |
CFuelInfo | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.FuelInfo |
CHazardLight | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.HazardLight |
CHorn | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Horn |
CHVAC | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.HVAC |
CIgnitionTime | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.IgnitionTime |
CInteriorLightStatus | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.InteriorLightStatus |
CLaneDepartureDetection | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.LaneDepartureDetection |
CLightStatus | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.LightStatus |
CLocation | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Location |
CMalfunctionIndicator | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.MalfunctionIndicator |
CMirror | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Mirror |
CMirrorSetting | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.MirrorSetting |
CNightMode | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.NightMode |
CObstacleDistance | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.ObstacleDistance |
COccupantStatus | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.OccupantStatus |
COdometer | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Odometer |
CParkingBrake | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.ParkingBrake |
CParkingLight | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.ParkingLight |
CPowertrainTorque | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.PowertrainTorque |
CRainSensor | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.RainSensor |
CSeat | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Seat |
CSeatAdjustment | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.SeatAdjustment |
CSeatBelt | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.SeatBelt |
CSeatPosition | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.SeatPosition |
CSecurityAlert | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.SecurityAlert |
CSideWindow | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.SideWindow |
CSize | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Size |
CSteeringWheel | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.SteeringWheel |
CSteeringWheelPosition | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.SteeringWheelPosition |
CSunroof | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Sunroof |
CTemperature | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Temperature |
CThrottlePosition | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.ThrottlePosition |
CTire | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Tire |
CTractionControlSystem | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.TractionControlSystem |
CTransmission | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.Transmission |
CTransmissionClutch | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.TransmissionClutch |
CTransmissionOil | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.TransmissionOil |
CTripMeter | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.TripMeter |
CVariant | |
CVehicleId | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.VehicleId |
CVehiclePowerMode | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.VehiclePowerMode |
CVehicleSound | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.VehicleSound |
CVehicleSpeed | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.VehicleSpeed |
CVehicleTopSpeedLimit | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.VehicleTopSpeedLimit |
CVehicleType | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.VehicleType |
CWasherFluid | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.WasherFluid |
CWheelBrake | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.WheelBrake |
CWheelInformation | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.WheelInformation |
CWheelTick | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.WheelTick |
CWindowStatus | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.WindowStatus |
CWindshieldWiper | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.WindshieldWiper |
CWiperStatus | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.WiperStatus |
CYawRate | Corresponds with DBus Interface org.automotive.YawRate |