automotive-message-broker  0.12
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Automotive Message Broker DBus API Documentation


AMB organizes the API into two general interface categories. First the Manager interface (see manager.txt) which includes tools for using the other interfaces. Second is a number of interfaces that represent vehicle data. The latter follows the schema of "org.automotive.DataType" and are contained in verious DBus paths. The DBus paths are generally organized by /{source}/{zone}/DataType. "source" refers to the AMB source that produces the data. "zone" refers to the zone in which the data type is located in the vehicle or "0" for no zone.

The interfaces and data types are documented in amb.idl. Franca IDL tools can be used to generate DBus introspection xml which can be used to generate bindings for your language of choice.

Basic Recommended Usage

It is recomended that the Manager interface be used to find the DBus Object that contains the data type you need. This is done through the FindObject() call. It is expected that DBus Object Paths may change and so it is not appropriate to hard code DBus Object Paths.

Usage Example

Here is a pseudo-code example of how the api is to be used:

var manager = dbus.interface("org.automotive.Manager", "/");
var speedObjectPaths = manager.FindObject("VehicleSpeed");
var speedObject = dbus.interface("org.automotive.VehicleSpeed", speedObjectPaths[0]);
console.log("Vehicle Speed: " + speedObject.Speed);